So I dyed my hair again! The red was fading and I wanted something new so I decided to dye black into my hair again. I dyed all my bangs this time instead of just a piece like I've done in the past! I made sure to not dye too far back so that there were enough blonde layers to brush forward on top of the black. I can style my hair with more black showing if I'm up for it but now I have the option! I used Manic Panic 'Raven' dye! It's more extreme in person it seems.

Jacket, Shirt, Shorts, Leggings, Tail clip, Necklace: SexPot Revenge
I also filmed a video of the new SexPot stock we got in. I also had a special order of SexPot of their new Spring collection which came in with the order as well, so yay new clothes! I'll show off my loot a following post!
These photos are wonderful! Please contact me at - Gooby/Manic Panic webmistress